Be the change you want to see in the world - Ghandi

Be the change you want to see in yourself - Shrinking Jill

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday in the Kitchen

Today was all about preparing myself for the coming week - lots of laundry, picking up around the house and COOKING!  I made yet another batch of granola bars:

A batch of brown sugar meringues (only 11 calories each!):
I am aware that they don't look like the ones you buy in the store - I used a spoon rather than a pastry bag and they look like something out of a Dr. Seuss book!  But I can assure you they taste heavenly and each one is absolutely unique.

I also cooked up a huge batch of brussel sprouts for the week.  Here is batch #1:

This one got a little burned, but they are nice and crunchy.  I cooked up another huge batch after this was done - and instead of sauteing in olive oil, I chopped up 2 slices of bacon, cooked them, and then sauted the sprouts in the bacon fat.  YUUUUUUMMMMMMMM:
Then I mixed both batches together to share the bacon love.

While all that was going on, I baked some oven-fried chicken and made some corn chowder.  All in all a very productive day, and now I have plenty of healthy lunch choices - no excuses this week!

FYI, all of the recipes except the granola bars & brussel sprouts came from a cookbook I just got from Bookswim called 'Cook Yourself Thin Faster'.  I highly recommend it - there are some great recipes and all of them are very easy!


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