Be the change you want to see in the world - Ghandi

Be the change you want to see in yourself - Shrinking Jill

Saturday, January 30, 2010

There's Hope For Me Yet...

For the past several days I have avoided the scale because I didn't want to see a gain and get discouraged.  I haven't counted calories very closely for the past few days and last weekend I know I ate more than I should have.  And in the past this behavior has always resulted in a gain of a few pounds.  But I decided it was time to face the music this morning and lo and behold, I had a 0.6 pound loss when I got on the scale!  I'm not 100% sure why this happened, but I *think* that I am finally learning to eat intuitively.  The thought 'hunger is not an emergency' continually runs through my head and I try to delay eating my next meal until I'm truly hungry.  I'm learning to not eat until I'm stuffed & sick, and when I do have a snack, it's not a candy bar - it's a few clementines and some nuts or a piece of cheese.  I'm savoring and enjoying my food a lot more, and - get this - I am actually satisfied with less!  There have been a few times over the past couple days where I've stopped myself from going into a binge with the thought "Do I really want to be that person?  Is it really worth it?  Or do I want to be someone who stops before they've gone too far?"  I know it's too premature to tell for sure, but I think I'm slowly redefining my eating habits and relying more on physical cues for hunger rather than emotional ones.

Overall, I'm pleased with my progress - not just on the scale but inside my head.  I'm definitely not ready to discontinue the daily calorie counting but it was exciting to see that some of those subconscious habits are starting to change.  There's hope for me yet...


Jules - Big Girl Bombshell said...

Good observation Jill. It always seems when we think we have blown it the most, that the scale or something moves. It starts with what goes on in our thoughts then the food and exercise. We have to do all three to be successful - how ever we determine that success.

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