Be the change you want to see in the world - Ghandi

Be the change you want to see in yourself - Shrinking Jill

Monday, March 8, 2010

Training Calendar

Over the past couple weeks I've started to get a bit concerned that my triathlon training is not progressing fast enough.  With the event coming up in less than 5 months I don't have any time to mess around.   I think part of the reason I've been so haphazard about my training is that I haven't developed a schedule to follow - I have two strength training workouts plus a yoga class booked with Rena every week but that's about it.  As a result, my cardio workouts have been sporadic at best.

However, last Tuesday I started doing the conservative version of the Couch-to-5K program (I started on month 2 as the first month was for people that needed to work up to walking 30 minutes).  I completed the entire first week with no problem - having a schedule with things to check off was very motivating!  After giving it some thought, I decided to apply that concept to my overall fitness program and the result was this:


This is my new workout calendar - two months at a time, color coded by workout.  When March is over I'll move April up and outline May's training on the bottom.  On the bulletin board side I have the overall couch-to-5K program, some stretches and a couple 'homework' assignments from Rena.  I plan to put some motivational quotes there as well.

Here's a closeup of the calendar:

Right now I've got 3 runs, 2 swims, 3 strength, 1 yoga and 1 cycle scheduled in, plus one rest day.  Eventually I'll add another cycling workout but I think this is enough for now!!!  Actually, I'm not too sure I can keep up this schedule but I decided to shoot for the stars and adjust as needed - there will be no guilt if I'm just too tired from the day before.

This was so much fun to put together!  I wrote in my workouts from last week too, to remind myself of how much exercise I got.  The next challenge is to get both of tomorrow's workouts completed - I'm planning to meet Terri at 5:30am for a treadmill workout and then I'm going to Ken's spinning class after work.  Phew, I'm tired just thinking about it...I better make sure I've got everything packed up tonight or I'll never make it to the gym on time...


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