Be the change you want to see in the world - Ghandi

Be the change you want to see in yourself - Shrinking Jill

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Positive changes

3 months later, and I still weigh about the same as last time. However, not everything is the same - in the past 5 months, I have developed a bonafide exercise habit! It all started when I signed up for the Breast Cancer 3-Day on a whim. I thought if nothing else I'd drop a few pounds and raise some money for a good cause. I signed up in February and then proceeded to do nothing for 3 months. During that time, I was travelling back and forth to the UK pretty regularly, and it was tough to develop a routine. But in June my travels ended, and I contacted a personal trainer in hopes of getting some support - with only 4 months left to train for a 60-mile walk, I thought some professional guidance might be in order.

So......I spent the summer walking walking walking every weekend, and training with Rena for 45 minutes twice a week. Somewhere along the line I started going to her weekly yoga class and really enjoyed it. It has been 5 months, and I haven't missed a single workout unless an unavoidable conflict has arisen - and I can count on one hand the number of times that has happened!

Best of all, I learned that I DO have muscles underneath all my 'insulation' and that they are strong and healthy. I CAN walk 20 miles in a day and still have enough energy to go grocery shopping. I LOVE finding out what I am capable of! I look forward to every workout and take pleasure in pushing myself each time. In addition to that, I feel grumpy when I can't workout - which has turned into a great motivator. I've learned that attitude adjustment is as easy as a 30 minute walk. Believe me, I always envied those who crave physical activity and wondered if I would ever achieve such a state of being. The feeling of using my muscles and heart and lungs the way they were meant to be used, just feels wonderful.

Anyway, my intention with this post was not to wax on about the benefits of exercise, or how ridiculously happy I am with my new workout, I am writing to remind myself that change is possible and that I believe I am capable of changing other things about myself as well. Eating habits are first on the list, and I plan to tackle them in the same way I changed my exercise habits - one day at a time, over and over, until suddenly I realize that I prefer the new way of eating to the old way. At first, each choice of healthy over unhealthy will be hard work, just like making myself work out when I'd rather go home and eat pasta. But with time and dedication, the work will get easier.

And now that I've made exercise a habit, I'm going to take it to the next level - by training for the SheRox triathlon next August. Wish me luck!


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