Be the change you want to see in the world - Ghandi

Be the change you want to see in yourself - Shrinking Jill

Sunday, February 28, 2010

I Could Use A Cheerleader

Feeling a little annoyed and disgusted with myself today - I have not worked out since Thursday morning!  On Friday I thought to myself "I'll take a rest day" and I went to the bookstore to write (and get away from the refrigerator).  No problem - I had all weekend to get in some killer workouts.  On Saturday I started a treadmill workout, but then the phone rang and I just never got back on.  I had afternoon and evening plans with a friend and just I puttered around the house organizing things and reading my new HTML book until it was time to go - wasting two perfectly good hours doing things that could have been done any other time.  I got home around 8 and used the "it's too close to bedtime" excuse (one of my all-time favorites).  Today was my chance to redeem myself and at least get one workout in for the weekend, but instead I spent my time at Starbucks working through my HTML book & shopping for fitness equipment (kettle bells, dumbbell rack, hula hoop).  Anyone else find it ironic that I procrastinated working out today by shopping for workout gear? Sigh.

I guess it was better than sitting in front of the TV all day - I can honestly say I didn't turn the TV on once (of course, the night is still young).  But I still spent a lot of time sitting on my butt - and I'm sure if I added up all the 2-minute increments of playing Mob Wars on Facebook here and there I could have found time for a workout and still gotten all my organizing, shopping and reading done.  The day didn't get away from me - I let it get away.

I'm not sure why I struggle so much on the weekends to get my workouts in.  Sometimes I feel resentful of the time - like the weekend should be me time and I should get to do exactly what I want at every moment.  Logically I know that working out is the best kind of me time there is, but the teenager inside me disagrees.  I don't have any trouble keeping my appointments with Rena - in fact I really look forward to that time - so perhaps it's the social aspect that keeps me motivated?  It might be time to seek out some weekend exercise buddies.  I also have a hard time getting myself started working out, but once I'm in the moment I have no problem continuing.  It's just getting over the hump of starting and sticking with it for 10 minutes that's a challenge.  Argghh, why can't this be easier?

OK, I'm done whining and punishing myself - tomorrow is a new day, a new week and a chance to be the change I want to see in myself.  Rah Rah!


Natasha Winters said...

READY??? OH- KAY!!! :)

I can so relate to spending so much more time shopping for workout stuff that you don't actually work out... so been there. One day at a time, lady. Try and use visualization to conjure up the feeling of tired satisfaction you have when you are done with a workout; I have found that helpful to me a few times. I think about the feeling of showering and putting on soft jammies after a workout and how well I sleep afterwards. Good luck!

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