My mojo is back! I managed to reset myself today, by eating nutrionally balanced meals (lots of fruit & veg, lean meats, healthy fats), setting up some healthy meals for the week, watching last week's BL and getting to the gym for an awesome treadmill session. For dinner I made myself a delicious treat (thanks Rena for the idea) - I cooked up some ground turkey with chipotle taco seasoning, then spooned it onto some romaine lettuce leaves with fresh salsa from Whole Foods and a couple slices of avocado. Yu-huh-hum! Unfortunately, this combo was so good that it was long gone before I remembered to take a picture. But trust me, it was delish!
Tonight's treadmill workout felt so great - I'm up to 6 minutes running/24 walking in the Couch-to-5K program and I did my minutes tonight in two 3-minute intervals at 5mph. I could have done more - and I REALLY wanted to - but I'm trying to stick to the program and trust the process. Rather than add more time/mileage, next week is a holding pattern - three more workouts of 6 run/24 walk. My goal is to be running at least 4, if not 6 minutes straight through by the end of this week. Then I'll drop back to the 2-minute intervals when the time goes up to 8 minutes and see how it goes. I've had some trouble with my right Achilles tendon over the past few months and if I injure it again I'll be seriously heartbroken - so easy does it with each jump up in run time on this program until I see if my ankle and calf are up to it.
I've got a couple fun weeknight activities planned over the next few days - tomorrow night is a 2-hour 'plan your summer garden' class at Temple. Can't wait for that! I have vague ideas of what I'd like my garden to look like, but honestly I haven't the faintest clue how to get started so I'm hoping this class will give me some good ideas. On Thursday evening I have an info session for the SheRox Triathlon, where we'll learn about the event and meet other participants. The session is being held at a local running store and I'm hoping there will be coupons for $$ off running shoes!
OK folks, time to get ready for bed and get my head in the game for a busy week ahead. Talk to you soon!
I’ve learned the art of bookbinding!
1 month ago
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