Be the change you want to see in the world - Ghandi

Be the change you want to see in yourself - Shrinking Jill

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Back With A Vengeance, Baby!

The past few weeks have been an exercise in reckless, rebellious, I'm-cheating-on-my-diet-and-you-can't-stop-me eating.  I wouldn't qualify it as full-on binge eating, but I was not counting calories at all, and was actively seeking opportunities (some would say making excuses) to chow down on my favorite foods.  A lot.

But today I truly got back on track and it just felt so good!  Not like a sacrifice, but more like a gift I was giving to myself.  I was (of course) a little hungry all day, and my workout tonight was REALLY hard (due to muscles shrunken from extended couch surfing) but honestly I was getting tired of the reckless eating and it was just such a relief to relax back into my nice routine.  Sore muscles and all, I feel like my hard drive has been rebooted. 

And here's the best part - just after lunch I was on my way to a meeting and passed a basket of fun-size candy bars on the admin's desk.  Without thinking I exclaimed 'hey, free candy!' and gleefully took a piece.  When I got to the conference room I looked in my hand and thought - I don't even want this, why did I take it?????  High fructose corn syrup, refined sugar,, not today.  So I  Yes, you heard me correctly:  I. PUT. IT. BACK.  And ate a clementine instead.


Karen said...

It does feel good, doesn't it?!? Awesome job on the positive thinking, bouncing back from vacation time, and putting back the candy bar! - NICE!

Vegan Chick Pea said...

Hi - I'm new to your blog. :) Love the way you're thinking of it as a "gift." That's fantastic, and so true!

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