Tonight Rena was kind enough to do a little photo session with me during our workout (well to be honest, to spare my audience they were taken at the beginning of the workout before I got all sweaty). Originally I thought of them as "Before" pictures. But mulling it over on the way home, I realized that dividing myself, my life, my fitness journey and so on into "before" and "after" implies that one is good and the other is bad. All or nothing thinking, in other words. Which is one of the more common traps that I've fallen into over the past 30+ years - i.e., "I ate a candy bar this morning so I guess I've blown it for the day. I'll give myself a free pass for the rest of the day to eat whatever I want and start over again tomorrow". This is one of the habits I desperately want to change - rather than thinking "I've blown it" and allowing myself to go hogwild in Wegman's dessert section, I want to think "That was a yummy treat, but now I'd better compensate elsewhere by exercising more or eating a lighter dinner." My goal is to be somewhere in the middle, living a life of moderation rather than extremes of behavior.
So....I've decided to refer to the fruits of tonight's photo session as my "Now" pictures - living in the present and accepting myself exactly as I am at this point in time. No judgment, no unkind words, just acceptance. I am a work in progress, but a work of art nonetheless.
I’ve learned the art of bookbinding!
1 month ago
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