For the past week or so I've been struggling to keep myself motivated to eat well. I've been trying to jolly myself along with inspirational quotes but this weekend I really let things go. Friday was a company Christmas party and the only choices were fried. Fried cheese, fried potato skins, fried chicken...although I counted everything I ate, I ended up skipping dinner to compensate. On Saturday night I allowed myself to eat with something resembling reckless abandon...the food was yummy and I was enjoying my visit with an old friend, so I decided to absolve myself of guilt and vowed to eat only healthy foods the next day. Sunday started well, with fruit and almonds and green tea...but then later in the afternoon I was hit with such a feeling of overwhelming mental fatigue contemplating all the hard work I have ahead of me. Constantly watching my food, making an effort to exercise 5 days a week, trying to make choices that will help me reach my goals - I became exhausted just thinking about it! Day after day, year after year, I know it will never be easy for me to reach my goal weight or to maintain it. But you know what would be easy? Giving up on the exercise and just eating whatever I want. So very...very.......very...............easy.
So I ate. Somehow I found myself with a piece of Popeye's chicken in one hand and a biscuit in forward a couple hours and I finished off an entire Amy's organic pizza. Although the scale said 248 this morning, I know that the damage I did this weekend will catch up with me eventually. Today was lunch out with some coworkers, tomorrow will be the same - I feel myself getting pulled back into the old habits and I'm scared. It feels like the momentum I was gathering has stalled, and it would be so easy to order a pizza and wash it down with a pint of Ben & Jerry' very very this how heroin addicts end up on the streets again?
I'm trying to head this off at the pass before it becomes a full-on binge. I feel like I'm at a crossroads, and I can take the high road and dive back into my new life, or I can slide back towards my old self and then spend weeks fighting to get back to where I am now...I need an intervention, I need to take a stand! I can't take the easy path, eating comfort food and lying on the couch, because although right now that is the path of least effort, it WILL NOT be easy to recover from a heart attack or stroke. It will not be easy to take medication for type II diabetes. It will not be easy to recover from a knee replacement when I am 60 years old and 300 pounds.
But what I really need to remember, every time I see a cookie or a slice of pizza...IT IS NOT EASY to weigh 248 pounds - nothing fits, I'm out of breath walking up 2 flights of stairs, I can't sit comfortably in an airline seat, I can't cross my legs, my wedding ring doesn't fact NOTHING about being overweight is easy. Absolutely nothing.
I’ve learned the art of bookbinding!
1 month ago
What an honest post Jill! I just posted about what motivates you the other day. This time of year is difficult with all the socializing and FOOD. I am right there with you..
Hey Jill! I am sorry to hear that you are feeling a bit down at the moment.
Just a few thoughts:
DO head off this temporary "crisis" by making good choices, keeping up with your activity, just like you've been doing for weeks
DO think about your victories - on and off the scale:
- the number on the scale shows you can lose weight!
- those pants you had on today were LOOSE!
- your training is coming along leaps and bounds- swimming, spinning and even running! That ROX!
DON'T get too stressed out! Keep things steady through the holidays and enjoy yourself. Not enough to undo your hard work but enough to clear your mind.
All you need for motivation is your own blog . And if you need to talk it out, just give a shout ( in real life, not only in the blogosphere)!
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