Be the change you want to see in the world - Ghandi

Be the change you want to see in yourself - Shrinking Jill

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


One of my weight loss heroes is PastaQueen, author of Half-Assed (you can buy a copy on her website and I highly recommend it) - a woman who set her mind to it and lost half her body weight.  That is such a truly amazing accomplishment!

As I find my way on my own weight loss journey, I occasionally turn to her blog archives for inspiration.  Today I stumbled across a great post from January 2006.  Here are her wise words:
"When you have a lot of weight to lose, it can be very overwhelming to know that it will take a year or more to lose it all. The thing is, a year from now you're going to be a year older anyway. You can't stop time, but you can choose what you do in the next year."
So true!  As you all know, the waiting is something I continually struggle with.  Yes, I'm enjoying the journey and I know that every day I make good choices I'm also making new habits, and of course I know that I didn't put the weight on overnight, but still...sometimes I wish I could just wake up thin.  The quote above is a great reminder that every day I and only I  have the choice to make decisions that will either serve my ultimate goal, or take me backwards.  I choose to move ahead.


Anonymous said...

I read her book and I really enjoyed it. I would definitely recommend it!

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