Today was a frustrating day - for the second time, I attempted (unsuccessfully) to upgrade my laptop to Windows 7. Simultaneously I was trying to learn to edit HTML code on my desktop computer (also unsuccessfully). Perhaps my failures had something to do with dividing my attention between 2 things that really needed my full attention?
Regardless, by about 5pm I was so irritated and annoyed that I decided the only thing I could do was go to the gym and work it out on the treadmill. And so it is with great pride that I announce to you.......drum roll please....I ran a quarter of a mile tonight! Actually, I ran a mile and a quarter if you add up all my intervals, but one of those intervals was 3 minutes long at a 5mph pace, thus...A QUARTER OF A MILE! Yippee!!!
Anyway, this was my second training goal (the first one is here) and I'm feeling pretty good about myself right now. I planned to be there by mid-December and I'm right on target. Oh yeah - I also swam 300 yards without stopping after my spectacular showing on the treadmill. Pat, pat, pat...
So I guess it's time to set my next goal...let's see, how about a 10 mile outdoor bike ride? I don't know how realistic this is since I've only been doing spin classes and my actual bicycle is in the basement right now, covered with dust and sporting two flat tires...but there's no time like the present to clean it up and take it for a spin.
Now I'm attempting once again to upgrade my laptop. At least I'm in a better frame of mind to deal with it after getting some success into my day! Let's hope the third time's a charm.
I’ve learned the art of bookbinding!
1 month ago
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