Be the change you want to see in the world - Ghandi

Be the change you want to see in yourself - Shrinking Jill

Monday, February 1, 2010

Be The Change

Well it's Monday morning and I'm up ridiculously early because I woke up at 3:30am and felt wide awake.  I guess that could have something to do with the 2-hour nap I took yesterday as well as the fact that I was asleep by 9pm...but I digress.

Something I've been thinking about a lot lately is negativity in the workplace.  I work on a large team, across timezones and oceans, and most of our communication is via telecon, email or instant message.  There is very little face to face contact and as a result, frustration and negativity build up when things don't go well.  A LOT of blaming and complaining goes on behind people's backs and I'm starting to realize that it really brings me down.  It's so much easier to blame someone when you can't see their face and so much easier to say things over instant message that you would never say in person.  In general, I try not to put things in writing that I wouldn't say to someone's face but I do find myself complaining about others quite a bit - letting the overall negativity get into my head and feed on my own insecurities.  I don't want to be a woman who makes herself feel better at the expense of others, because ultimately I think that just makes you feel worse about yourself.  So I'm going to use my extra time this morning to center myself and get ready for the week ahead - a week where I stop complaining about others and about my job and instead try to change the things I can and accept the things I can't.

In the words of Gandhi, "You must be the change you want to see in the world." 

Have a great week everyone!


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