Be the change you want to see in the world - Ghandi

Be the change you want to see in yourself - Shrinking Jill

Monday, February 15, 2010

Who Do I Want To Be?

Well I'm sorry to say that I was up 2 pounds on Saturday morning, after a week of traveling, less than perfect food choices, and very little exercise.  And although I got some cardio and strength training in and watched my food intake this weekend, I'm still up a pound this morning.  Sigh.  I know I'm losing momentum.  But the SheRox triathlon is getting closer day by day - those legs aren't going to train themselves!

So this morning I got my butt into gear - hit the treadmill for 30 minutes right after I got up and then packed all my food for the day.  I'll park a half-mile from work to get an extra 20 minutes of walking in to and from my building.  Tonight I have a strength training session with Rena.  Tomorrow will either be spinning or yoga after work.  It's time to up my calorie burn to get the weight off faster - each pound lost will make it that much easier to train for the 5K part of the tri.

Who do I want to be?  The woman that says "I can skip today's workout - there's always tomorrow" or the woman that says "I took action towards my goal today."  The choice is mine to make!


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