My last few hours at Miraval were uneventful - I packed up, had breakfast, picked up my boxed lunch and caught the shuttle to the airport. On the way there I watched the scenery roll by and reflected on my visit:
This was one of the best vacations I've ever taken. Everything was just perfect - the food, the accommodations, the scenery, the spa, the lectures - you name it, it was perfect. But the best part was the focus on fitness - as someone who struggles to fit exercise into her schedule it felt positively decadent to work out several times a day at my leisure. I also learned that healthy food can be incredibly tasty and I've already requested the Miraval cookbook from the library so I can try out some recipes on my own.
Upon my arrival in Philly I caught the train to the suburbs where Ken met me with a nice warm car. At home I crawled into bed and slept a deep, satisfying, dreamless slumber. Thursday morning dawned with sore muscles along with excitement about putting my learnings from Miraval into practice. I had a geat workout with Rena, dropped into Whole Foods to stock up on my favorite fruits and veggies, then headed off to the mall to pick up a BOSU and a new exercise mat for my workout room.
This morning I was greeted with some great news from the scale - I have officially hit the 20-pound mark, which means my time at Miraval gave me a 1.6 pound loss! This is especially notable since I didn't count calories during my stay, rather I tried to make good choices and eat according to my body's needs. The food was so flavorful that I didn't need to eat a lot to feel satisfied, and I was so busy going from class to class that food was low on my priority list. What a nice change to come home from a vacation weighing less than when I left!
Overall I would recommend Miraval to anyone looking for a relaxing vacation, a jump start to their fitness routine or diet, or even someone just looking for some great spa treatments! The resort exceeded my (already high) expectations and delivered a memorable experience that I will never forget. Thanks Miraval - I hope to come back soon!
I’ve learned the art of bookbinding!
1 month ago
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