Be the change you want to see in the world - Ghandi

Be the change you want to see in yourself - Shrinking Jill

Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 2 at Miraval

Day 2 was a complete success - I managed to fit in all my scheduled activities and also scored a personal training session with the resident swim coach and a dip in the hot tub!  My day was jam-packed with activities starting with breakfast at 6:30 and I didn't really take a break from working out, showering, eating or spa-ing until I got back to my room at 8pm!  The rain held off for the entire day so I was able to get from place to place without getting soaked.

Here's what my day looked like - I started early with coffee by the fireplace and then headed outside to catch the last of the sunrise: 

Next I set out to find the gym, or Body Mindfulness Center, for my first class.  Miraval has lots of signs to make sure you don't get too lost:

Then went to morning stretch class in a beautiful room with windows overlooking the mountains and the lap pool:

At 7am the air was still pretty brisk and the pool was giving off some serious steam!  Morning stretch class was great - just right to get me in the mood for a day of workouts - gentle stretching and some work with straps and foam rollers.  Then I headed off for a group walk in the desert, which was really fun.

One of the women I met on my first night here was also on the walk and we chatted about careers & life.  She gave me some great advice about starting up a business.  (Ruth, if you're reading this, thanks for the advice & hope you had a great time watching the trio play last night!)

A quick note about the people here (guests and staff alike) - everyone is incredibly friendly, open and generous of spirit!  I'm not sure if the clean mountain air has something to do with it, or if Miraval tends to attract people with these qualities, but I have met so many wonderful women here with so many great stories.

Anyway, back to the travelogue.  At 9am I headed off to spin class, which took place in the same room as morning stretch.  Spin bikes magically appeared:

During the class the instructor talked about her triathlon training experience and I mentioned the SheRox in August, explaining that I was most nervous about the swim.  She offered to give me a swim clinic later in the day!  I jumped on that opportunity immediately and set up the appointment before heading off to get a smoothie.  

The smoothie bar was really nice - there was a board advertising the day's choices, complete with calories and fat!  I chose the Don Juan which was HEAVENLY (even more so because I don't normally like bananas) and later went back for the Ageless Skin Juice (which was not so yummy - note to self, lettuce is not good in a smoothie).

At this point the sun was finally shining so I took a quick walk around the grounds and took some pictures:

Have I mentioned that I love this place?
I took an outdoor shower, with this view:

All cleaned up with fresh clothes I headed off to a yoga class.  The yoga center is beautiful, with spectacular views.  There's nothing quite like using a distant mountaintop as your drishti!  After yoga, it was off to lunch with the resident exercise physiologist.  We loaded up our plates with delicious healthy options (all labeled with calories and fat) and peppered Andy with questions for an hour.  Note - I completely forgot to take pictures of the food but I promise to take some today!  Andy was very knowledgable and answered everyone's questions with ease.  After lunch I hurried off to my swim lesson, where Susan evaluated my stroke, took me through some drills, and gave me some valuable training and race day tips.  The pool was so warm and it felt great to swim outside for a change!  At the end of the hour I took yet another shower then headed back to my room to ditch my swimsuit and pack my bag for the rest of the day.

At 3pm I attended a lecture called 'Making Weight Loss a Reality'.  At first Andy (the same Andy from lunch!) talked about calorie deficit and how much it takes to lose a pound.  I was a bit disappointed as this is old hat to me, but after a few minutes he started talking more about metabolism and how to up your calorie burn.  The main point of his talk was to explain the meaning of VO2 max and how to increase it via cardio.  I ended up getting a LOT of out this lecture and rather than go into the details of what he talked about in this post I'm going to do some research and do a separate post dedicated to the topic.

After the lecture I sped down to the spa to take a dip in the hot tub before my massage:

I had hoped to take a dip in the spa pool, but the clouds were rolling in and the temperature was starting to drop so I skipped it.

My massage was scheduled for 5pm, and Tracy showed up right on time to take me to the outdoor treatment rooms:

Spa camp!  These rooms were so nice - each one was fenced in with bamboo, a private patio and lovely landscaping.  Inside the tents there was a heater to keep everything nice and toasty, and one side of the room was glass so you could see a little bit of nature during your treatment.  Heaven!

After my massage I headed up to the restaurant for dinner, which was lovely, and then came back to my room and crawled into bed.  A busy but very satisfying day!

Today's schedule looks something like this:

7am, Morning stretch
8am, breakfast
9am, yoga
10am, breath work
11:30, cooking demonstration
3pm, Metabolism and Prevention lecture

At some point during the day I'm going to try out the equipment at the gym:

OK - I better run or I won't have time for coffee before my first class - thanks for reading - I'll post Day 3 soon!!


Ruth Stevens said...

Jill, I enjoyed the morning walk with you (well, it was really a hike, let's face it), and I am glad that you liked my ideas about how to get your self-employment life started. Best wishes to you, and since we are neighbors (NY and Philly), let's get together again soon.

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