Be the change you want to see in the world - Ghandi

Be the change you want to see in yourself - Shrinking Jill

Monday, April 26, 2010

Goal Shirt

For the past few months I've been trolling through my bins of too-small clothes, trying to find a goal outfit - something that I really look forward to wearing after I've lost more weight.  I have lots of cute clothes all the way down to size 10 and briefly considered a pair of Jordache jeans from high school, but then I found a t-shirt that I bought in 1995 when I weighed 162 pounds (for about 5 minutes).  The front looks like this:

Cute, right?  Well, the best part of the shirt is the back - a play on the Nike slogan 'Run Like Hell':

Once I found this shirt, my search for a goal outfit was over. 


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